Computer geek, gamer, drummer

Using dtrace to fix git

Posted on 14 March 2014

I am closing down my old blog on and I didn't have much content over there and this was and article I felt like preserving.

First off the problem. I like to develop on smartos because it is based on Solaris and has all of the conveniences of Linux with a few extras namely zfs, zones and dtrace. It’s dtrace that I’m going to discuss today. I run a very specialized version of vim. By specialized I mean I have a bunch of addons. In particular, YouCompleteMe and UltiSnips requires that vim be a particular version and have python support compiled in.

VIM cheat sheet

Posted on 5 May 2012

I am closing down my old blog on and I didn't have much content over there and this was and article I felt like preserving.

Since I have been using Vim almost exclusively lately I made myself a cheat sheet to help me remember some stuff. This is certainly not an exhaustive list, just some things that I don’t know how to do off the top of my head that I wrote down and ended up getting a little carried away. Just thought I would share:

